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Accredited measurements and testing field

Το εργαστήριό μας λειτουργεί ως φορέας αξιολόγησης συμμόρφωσης εξαρτημάτων και διατάξεων αντικεραυνικής προστασίας και γειώσεων. Η ποιότητα των υπηρεσιών του φορέα μας αποδεικνύεται με τη διαπίστευση σύμφωνα με το ISO 17025. Το εργαστήριό μας πήρε διαπίστευση για πρώτη φορά το 2005 και παραμένει έως σήμερα με διευρυμένο πεδίο που καλύπτει όλα τα πρότυπα αντικεραυνικής προστασίας και γειώσεων. Δείτε το αναλυτικό πεδίο διαπίστευσης του εργαστηρίου μας. Our laboratory operates as an evaluation assessment body for components and devices for lightning protection and earthing. The quality of our services is proven by the accreditation according to ISO 17025. Our laboratory was first accredited in 2005 and remains up to date with an expanded scope that covers all standards of lightning protection and earthing. See the detailed accreditation certificate of our laboratory.
Scope of Testing Accreditation
Scope of Calibration Accreditation
Basic and useful terms:
  • Compliance is the technical specification or standard that products must satisfy.
  • Conformity assessment is the process that proves (eg tests) that the product successfully meets the foreseen conformity requirements (eg standard).
  • Conformity assessment body is the body (eg laboratory) that must have the technical competence to evaluate the products according to the terms of compliance requirements.
  • Accreditation is the most appropriate measure to demonstrate the technical competence of a conformity assessment body, in the terms of the body's ability to evaluate a product on the basis of the required conformity.
  • Test report, certificate or any other means of proof issued by an assessment body to certify the assessment of conformity of a product.