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The studies constitute an integral activity of our company and are being carried out according to the latest European & International Standards. They concern:
  • Lightning protection studies of common and special structures as industrial buildings, wind and photovoltaic parks.
  • Surge protection studies of electrical and electronic systems.
  • Earthing Systems' studies of common and special structures, such as power stations, medium & high voltage substations of gas stations.
  • Financial and technical studies of related projects.
  • Drafting of technical specifications of offers.

  • A great number of ELEMKO studies have been presented in international scientific conferences, having often been characterised as innovative.

    Inspection of lightning protection systems.

    According to the current European & International standards, the inspection of the installed lightning protection systems (external or internal) is IMPOSSED and is carried out at regular intervals.
    In ELEMKO, we have the most highly trained staff as well as the most suitable instruments and devices for high precision measuring, which are calibrated in specific calibration laboratories.
    Through the inspections, we can ensure that:
  • The system satisfies the applicable standards.
  • The system components are in excellent conditions.
  • Any new additions to the building are covered by the existing system.
  • The surge protection devices are in good condition.
  • New machines that have been installed are protected against surges.

  • Finally, the inspection also includes the control, disassembly as well as management or radiioactive lightning rods installed before 1985.

    Technical Support of Projects

    Our engineers are your people! They respond immediately to every call of yours, in your own facilities!.
    We listen to your needs!
    We help you to choose the most appropriate technical solution!
    We propose the most advantageous option!
    We answer all of your questions!

    Maintenance of special lightning protection systems.

    The maintenance of lightning protection systems, due to the installation points, is often difficult and requires special condition of safety and hygiene measures. According to the legislation, the use of special basket lifting vehicles must be oberved in order to ensure teh legal and safe lifting of specially trained personnel whio are required to have appropriate equipment for works at heights.
    Our company, in cooperation with specialised partners, undertakes maintenance of lighting protection systems in :
  • Constructions of heights >60m that require special measures for protection against lightning, even on teh side views.
  • Cable bridges
  • Radars & telecommunication stations
  • Silos and high tanks
  • Complex industrial constructions
  • Power Stations
  • Elemko_Syntirisi

    Design and Production of special products

    The design and production department of ELEMKO is equipped with the most contemporary industrial product design programs.
    Thanks to the mordern electrical mechanical and electronic equipment that ELEMKO provides, we are able to design and produce special pieces, suitable for any application, from the simplest to the most complex.

    Special Measurements & Simulations of Earthing Systems

    Many years of experience, expertise and deep knowledge that we have in earthing systems, allow us to perform special measurements even in extremly difficult conditions, covering needs such as:
  • Ground resistance in large areas and equivalent depths for the creation with the use of appropriate software, multilayer soil models.
  • Low ground resistance measurements with high current injection of extended electrodes such as substations, wind farms, PV plants industrial plants as wella as system simulation with geometric accuracy.
  • Measurement of step voltages and contact voltages wwith high current injection and reduction to the level of the short circuit to check the required safety limits.
  • Special measurements between earthing systems (eg via cable sheaths) for the detection of noise, induced voltages & currents, as well as electomechanical potential to avoid electrolysis between inhomogeneous earthing materials.
  • Elemko_Metriseis