The technical editions of our company are an offer to the technical world in order our knowledge and experiences to be transferred beyond our company, constituting an important assistance for the preparation of studies and at the same time an aid for the proper installation and use of components and protection devices against lightning and current surges.
Application Practices of external LPS
The content of this publication is a result of the long experience of ELEMKO through a large number and variety of studies and technical support that it has prepared in complicated and demanding projects. The purpose of this publication is to be a source of information from designers, supervisors and installers, in order to solve technical problems both in the design, selection and installation of Lightning Protection Systems, according to the standards of the ELOT EN 62305 series.
It consists of 13 chapters, 11 appendices, 238 pages, 180 color illustrations, 24 tables and numerous practical application examples. This publication is printed currently in Greek language only.
This edition is a technical assistance in order to inform the reader about the requirements of a low voltage grounding system with emphasis on the Grounding. It includes both design and construction details with particular reference to the advantages of applying the Grounding, both in conventional low voltage electrical installations and in special applications, such as information processing systems and computer centers.It consists of 8 chapters, 13 appendices, 235 pages, 123 color illustrations, 11 tables and numerous practical application examples. This edition is currently printed in Greek language only.
Surge Overvoltage Protection of electrical & electronic systems
Η έκδοση αυτή αποτελεί τον δεύτερο τόμο της σειράς Αντικεραυνικός Κώδικας, περιγράφοντας τις απαιτήσεις του εσωτερικού συστήματος αντικεραυνικής προστασίας με ιδιαίτερη έμφαση στη χρήση των απαγωγών κρουστικών υπερτάσεων. Σκοπός είναι να παρουσιάσει τους κινδύνους και τον τρόπο μετάδοσης κρουστικών υπερτάσεων σε ηλεκτρικές και ηλεκτρονικές εγκαταστάσεις καθώς και να συμβουλέψει τόσο τον μελετητή όσο και τον εγκαταστάτη για την ορθή επιλογή και εγκατάσταση των απαιτούμενων μέτρων προστασίας.This edition is the second volume of the Lightning Code series, describing the requirements of the internal lightning protection system with special emphasis on the use of surge protection devices. The purpose is to present the risks and the way of transmitting surge overvoltages in electrical and electronic installations as well as to advise both the designer and the installer for the appropriate choice and installation of the required protection measures.
It consists of 22 chapters, 235 pages, 219 color images, 11 tables and more than 20 practical examples of application. This edition is currently printed in Greek Version only.
Solutions for solar applications
Photovoltaic installations have become one of the leading sources of Renewable Energy Sources production in the recent years. A photovoltaic park due to the large area it occupies and in combination with the sensitive electrical systems of which it consists, makes it vulnerable to lightning and surge overvoltages. The purpose of this guide is to give to the reader a basic idea of how to design a lightning protection system and how to choose the needed components.
This guide is avaialbale only in English.